24 months ago, the world greeted you into this world with joy and delight.
You aren’t just two. You are too cute, too sweet and too fun.
Your beauty is no less than the moon, while your innocence is like that of an angel. You my child are seriously sent from heaven!
Happy 2nd Birthday Jaaziel, May God Bless you! 🎂😍
A Letter To My Little Boy On His Second Birthday
My Deerest sweet baby Jaaziel,
Today you turn two! I can’t believe you’ve already been in our lives for two whole years. It seems like yesterday that we met you at the birthing center…I know it’s cliche, but it’s true. Time really does fly when you have a little one. You looked so different then…and still so much the same in many ways. As I perused through those early photos of you in my phone’s camera roll last night, I saw many of your expressions that I have come to know and love. Especially that serious little gaze you have when you’re deep in thought.
And look! This is you on your very first birthday! I had a great time preparing your first birthday smash cake session of Dr Seuss with so much joy and I must say it was so adorable!
I remember thinking – when I found out that you were a boy – that because I already had your brother, that whatever I had already done with him or learned about being a mom from him, that naturally, I would just apply to being your mom as well. You have proved that theory so wrong in sooo many ways. It almost seems unfair of me to ever assume you would be just like Jeffer. Like I tried to steal your sweet little newborn identity or something.
From the day you were born you have been you. You are a sweet, independent, ornery, and busy little boy who loves to snuggle. You have the ability to melt everyone’s heart and put a smile on even the grumpiest person’s face. I could not be happier watching you grow from an 7.2 lb wrinkly little monkey to a 2-year-old demanding little toddler that you are today. You are perfect and special and beautiful and smart and we could not ask for a better kiddo.
At 9 months you were taking your first wobbly little steps and had baby chub from head to toe. Today you run faster than I can keep up, jump more often than walk, and say more words than I can count. This past year of your life has been truly magical. You have become such a little person! Your language has seriously just exploded and you are constantly coming up with something new and you are so good at putting together pieces about the world around you.
You love to sing and dance. Every moment you hear music on the radio, or even the tv commercials, you start dancing enthusiastically. Your favorite song is the theme song from Thomas and Friends. You sing and dance to it on a daily basis as you walk around the house.
You also love ice, fruits and veggies. You pick up a cup to grab some ice from the ice machine on the fridge. Now that you’ve learned to open the fridge you always call me “mommy, fruta a comer! (fruit to eat in spanish)” Salads and black bean burgers is your favorite meal. I’m blessed enough that you haven’t been a picky eater, rather a happy eater.
As this year has unfolded you have proven that you have quite a little big boy streak. You love to play with cars and trucks. You shout when you point out an airplane as we drive in the car, it’s like you are always on the lookout for them. You blow kisses and everywhere we go you always make new friends. You are a hugger and full of love that you never miss a chance to brighten another ones day. Such a polite little boy that loves to say thank you, your welcome and bless you!
This year I have also learned that you are tenacious and determined. You always (ALWAYS) know exactly what you want and you have no problem letting your desires be known. You don’t mince words about it either. Many times you’ll wake up and the first thing out of your mouth is your breakfast order. No good morning Mama. Just “I manna eat”. It always makes me laugh. You are quick to tell us if you would prefer a different color, a different cup, or a different whatever, but typically you don’t do it in a whiny way. You’re very decisive and just ask for it.
You’re still the biggest mama’s boy. Mommy is your best friend. You love your brother to death and want to do everything that he does but you’d rather torment him more than anything. You pick on him and pin him down and hit him and kick him. And while he gets extremely upset with you … there’s not a minute that goes by when he isn’t obsessing over how much he adores you.
Not only have I enjoyed being a Mom from an entirely different angle but I am finally learning to cherish the challenges you are throwing my way because together you and I get to experience the same situations as Jeffer and I have … but with new eyes.
Being a Mom is not inclusive. I am two Moms rolled into one. I am Jeffer’s Mom AND I am Jaaziel’s Mom. And this is where I have started crying. Because I just feel so lucky and satisfied in this life with you and Jeffer. I am blessed beyond belief and I wouldn’t change a thing about it.
You love your Mommy more than anything in this world and there are times that you make me feel so treasured. Like you and I are the only two people in the room. The way you pet my hair or rub the tips of my finger as I’m rocking you to sleep. It is one of the best feelings I have ever experienced. It is love in its most purest and honest form.
All I ask is that you continue to love the Lord with all your heart and always put Him first in all you do. Through Him, you will be…the strongest, biggest, bravest, most handsome man …Trust in Him and you will always be everything you need to be.
I wish for you a year full of growing bigger, laughing harder, playing around, and I love you for no reason at all.
I love you Jaaziel… to the moon and back.
Can’t wait to enjoy this next year of adventures with you my sweet baby Jaaziel!
Show me your teeth for a picture with Pookie 🙂
His Favorite: steamed broccoli and spinach veggie burger
Trying to get a sun tan haha